Six Steps to Create Your Own Happiness

When your mind is quiet and you are alone with your thoughts, how happy are you? Really?

Do you pretend to have it all together on the outside, but inside feel like a fraud? Do you feel as though life has passed you by, or even that you have settled? All these thoughts can leave you feeling unfulfilled and unhappy with your life. 

It is easy for women to over-commit, to give too much of themselves to others, to run themselves ragged, and to forget to care for themselves. The reality is, if you do not prioritize and take care of yourself, you are going to get burned out and not be much good to anybody. 

You need to stop blaming others, your circumstances, and your commitments for what is wrong with your life, why you are not where you want to be, or why you are not happy. Your happiness is your responsibility. Read that again, YOUR responsibility and nobody else’s.

It has taken some re-training of my brain to not feel selfish when it comes to prioritizing myself. Some people may try to make you feel bad for prioritizing your own happiness, for putting your needs and desires ahead of others. But I have found that when I am happy, fulfilled, and content, I show up better for everything and everybody in my life. 

With that in mind, I would like to share my Flower Strategy™ with you! This strategy is the backbone of my personal development coaching program and teaches the six steps to create your own happiness.

  1. FOCUS on you for a change.
    As women, we spend so much of our time and energy focused on others. It is time to shed your guilt about wanting more. Remind yourself of your values. What is important to you? What do you want to do? What are your dreams? Your beliefs, feelings, emotions, and dreams do matter.

  2. LET go of limiting beliefs.
    Do you have beliefs about yourself, about your capabilities, or lack thereof, that are holding you back, leaving you playing small? Take time to analyze the beliefs you hold onto “just because.” Where did they come from to begin with? Are they even true? Do they still serve you? If not, please let them go.

  3. OBLIGE yourself with positivity only.
    From the people you surround yourself with to the media you consume, only allow positive influences and vibes! You have no time for negative energy. This may require you to learn to set boundaries, and again, do not feel guilty about setting them. If you have people in your life who are constantly negative and making you feel bad about yourself and your decisions, limit the time spent with them.

  4. WRITE a new story.
    You are the author of your own story, and the book is not over yet! Your mind believes what you tell it, so tell it something freakin’ awesome! Make that vision board. Write and say those daily affirmations. What you focus on grows, so focus on the life you want!

  5. EMBRACE the real you.
    Stop pretending. Stop doing things out of obligation. You need to figure out what makes you YOU, accept, and celebrate those traits!  Lean into your natural strengths, your “magnetic magic”, the thing that others admire about you, and use them for good. 

  6. REFILL your own cup.
    Your body, mind, and soul need time to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate. Honor your body, and take the downtime needed to recharge! When you are at your best, you can give your best. It is as simple as that.

    These simple, yet effective, steps will allow you to take responsibility for your life and your actions. Start implementing them on a regular basis and see your happiness level begin to soar. 

Bec Martin

Bec Martin is a life and happiness coach, working primarily with women in mid-life: helping them to rediscover themselves, their passions and purpose. Her Flower Strategy ™ empowers women to create their own happiness, a pillar to her entire coaching program. She offers one-on-one as well as group coaching, hosts weekend retreats and local workshops. Bec is a wife and mother to two college aged children, has two dogs, adores flowers and resides in Wilmington, NC.

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