Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Recently I found myself reminiscing about a job I held WAY BACK IN THE DAY – 29 years ago to be exact!

Quite frankly, I’m marveling at my own bravery.

I was NOT athletic as a child.  Not much interest, old school thinking parents and a dad with a strict dress code were some of the reasons I just never gave anything athletic a try.

Then when I went to college I started running on my own. It wasn’t an intense training schedule, but a few times a week you could find me heading out for a jog.  I was interested in attending aerobics classes, many of my friends did, but when I’d peek in at them, everybody seemed to know what they were doing and I felt too intimidated to venture in, so I didn’t.

Fast forward a few years.

I marry a US Marine, move on base, don’t have a job at the moment, and have a lot of time on my hands. I finally decided to step out of my comfort and start attending a morning aerobics class.

Guess what? I loved it and started attending several times per week. I thought I may – one day – even like to teach it. I stayed after class one morning to talk with my instructor to ask her how one would go about getting certified to teach. As it turns out, the “Semper Fit” program on base was looking to hire some additional instructors and the next thing I know she is offering to train me.

So just three short months after taking my FIRST aerobics class EVER, I was in front of a class team teaching!

CRAZY! That took a lot of SELF-CONFIDENCE and I’m really not sure where my 23 year old self pulled it from! But I did it.

📌 The point of this memory is to point out that YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS. YOU CAN DO SCARY THINGS. YOU CAN, and should, STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE.

📌 Stepping out of my comfort zone, asking for the opportunity, welcoming the new person, heck, making the phone call to introduce myself when I WAS THE NEW PERSON are all skills that I mastered by being a military spouse!

📌 In case you didn’t realize….military spouses kick a$$ and I’m thankful for the opportunity to have been one!

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Bec Martin

Bec Martin is a life and happiness coach, working primarily with women in mid-life: helping them to rediscover themselves, their passions and purpose. Her Flower Strategy ™ empowers women to create their own happiness, a pillar to her entire coaching program. She offers one-on-one as well as group coaching, hosts weekend retreats and local workshops. Bec is a wife and mother to two college aged children, has two dogs, adores flowers and resides in Wilmington, NC.

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