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One kind word of encouragement, one smile or one hug, given at the right time, can be life changing. I am always amazed at how little it takes to put a smile on someone’s face and raise their spirits.

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

An encouraging word…it’s the gift that keeps on giving. I don’t think you’ll ever fully know the extent to which a kind word might benefit another person.

Can you think of a time when you were having a difficult day? Perhaps you were not doing as well as you had hoped on a project/assignment/goal? Or when you were feeling down, less than, depressed even? Then somebody showed up and gave you a compliment, an encouraging or kind word, a pat on the back, a hug, or simply a smile??

Your mood instantly changed.
Your spirits lifted.
You felt more confident.
You felt more determined.
You felt heard, understood.

Did it require some sort of grand gesture on their part for you to notice this shift in your emotions? I doubt it. Sometimes the smallest gesture, a smile, is all it takes to encourage another human being.

Another interesting occurrence takes place when you give some encouragement. Not only does the person on the receiving end feel better, you feel better, knowing you made a positive impact on someone’s day and life. Giving encouragement has a reciprocal effect! It’s like magic!


  • Lift YOUR spirits.

  • Make YOU feel kind and compassionate.

  • Put YOU in a better mood.

  • Make YOUR day a little brighter.

In light of everything that is going on in our world today, people are in desperate need of encouragement.

Here are nine easy ways you can encourage others:

1️⃣ When you see something you like, enjoy, appreciate: whether it’s a characteristic or attribute of another person, something they are doing, something they are wearing, etc., tell them. Do not keep those kind thoughts to yourself. 

2️⃣ When you receive exceptional service, let it be known. Do not stop at thanking the person delivering the great service, mention it to their supervisor! Managers frequently only hear complaints. You will not only make the employee’s day when you thank or compliment them directly, their manager would love to hear something positive for a change!

3️⃣ When somebody is making an effort, acknowledge it! Not everyone is going to have the same level of talent or put in the same level of effort as you would like them to, but that does not mean you can’t appreciate what they are able to contribute. Do not keep it a secret, let them know that you see their efforts and appreciate them. 

4️⃣ Even in situations that do not go exactly as planned, look for the positive. There is always a lesson to be learned. Not everybody can see the glass as half full. If you can point out the positive, that may be just the encouragement somebody needs to keep going through difficult times. 

5️⃣ Build up others. If somebody has recommended, shared, or shown you how to do something, be sure to give them credit and let others know about it. It will be a great confidence boost to that person.

6️⃣ When you introduce a friend to somebody new, include something you love about them in the introduction. This will make the friend being introduced feel good and will help the other person remember them more easily. 

7️⃣ Send a brief note, text, or message to a friend. A short, “I’m thinking about you” is enough to let them know you are thinking about them and will put a smile on their face.

8️⃣ Practice common courtesy. Hold the door for somebody, pick up something they have dropped, put down your phone, give some eye contact, say “hello” and most importantly…

9️⃣ SMILE! 😊

Almost everybody enjoys being encouraged from time-to-time. It doesn’t take much for you to make somebody’s day, lift their spirits, and possibly even change their life. I challenge you to look for opportunities to be an encouragement to others.

Nine Easy Ways to Encourage Others on the Bloom Blog
Bec Martin

Bec Martin is a life and happiness coach, working primarily with women in mid-life: helping them to rediscover themselves, their passions and purpose. Her Flower Strategy ™ empowers women to create their own happiness, a pillar to her entire coaching program. She offers one-on-one as well as group coaching, hosts weekend retreats and local workshops. Bec is a wife and mother to two college aged children, has two dogs, adores flowers and resides in Wilmington, NC.

Memorable Lessons


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