Build your own 1:1 package

4 or 12 week private sessions

If you have a particular issue(s) that you’d like to work on, perhaps the “build your own" coaching package makes more sense for you.

Mid-life, often a time of much transitioning, can be very challenging, frustrating, and scary even.

Not feeling confident of who you are anymore, the people needing and relying on you changing with time (think: kids are hopefully much more independent, but parents and siblings may be requiring more from you at this time), are just two examples of the uncertainty that can creep in during this phase of your life.

Bec writing in her pink journal holding a Team Bloom coffee cup

If you are looking for a road map to help you get back on track, rediscover yourself, feel centered and living life with purpose, working together with a life coach, like myself, may be just what you need. I’d love to help.

Meet weekly for an hour-long coaching session with Bec and dive into the topics that you specifically are looking for guidance and mentoring on.

Start with a complimentary session to discuss the scope of your needs/goals to determine if you and Bec are a good fit for each other. Next, decide on the initial time commitment of either one or three months. Additional sessions can be added if desired.

Your investment

4-week session: $1000

12-week session: $2500

Private Sessions

You also have the option to go thru Bec’s 10-week Start to Bloom™ program privately. This may be desired if you feel more comfortable in a more intimate environment or if the timing of the group sessions doesn’t work for you. You will enjoy all the features included in the group program, to include a VIP ticket to a Bloom with Bec Weekend Retreat.